By now, your January will be in full swing: the holiday festivities are done with and the new year has begun in earnest. But that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up your good drinking habits, especially at a very dire point in time when wine is seemingly being attacked from all sides (for example, anti-alcohol lobbies, tariffs, bad natural wines so funky and smelly that they would turn off wine forever even the dead).

So here is a new year’s cheer to spending together with friends and family the next twelve months in good spirits (literally) and better company, such as for example your faithful and friendly Ian D’Agata Wine Review articles. This one in particular, which describes ten very different wines for your (hopefully) present and future drinking enjoyment, is especially targeted to enjoying 2025 by way of a little learning, a touch of bewilderment (how in the high heavens did he ever pick that wine?) with sprinklings of surprises and caveats for you to be hopefully amused by. Most of the wines mentioned in this list are readily available in local and international markets, such that you won’t have to go crazy looking for one or more bottles on this list; even better, they aren’t that expensive, so you won’t have to mortgage the house to try one when you do find what you were looking for.